Thomas 12th August 2020

Natalie, Alex, Chloe, So many of us feel your loss. While we cannot be there in person, know that we are mourning with you. I met Andrew while on a work trip to the UK. We quickly connected when he found out I also worked in printing. It was fun talking about all those things that nobody else would understand. We commiserated about how we’ve become ‘dinosaurs’ in the printing industry which I guess is how we both ended up at MasterControl. I always looked forward to seeing him when he was in town. I will miss his humor, his smile that always looked like he was up to something. Most of all I’ll miss his friendship. We had many conversations on many topics. He was so kind to help me find a hotel with AC while I was visiting during a heat wave last summer. I will always remember that training class in July. It was the Andrew, Barry and Chris show. I never expected to laugh so much. The rest of us in class just sat back, watched and laughed. One of our last conversations was about the passing of Terry Jones. I’m sure Andrew’s up there with Terry now, cracking everyone up with his dry sense of humor. You will be missed my friend. I’m so grateful to have known you, even if it was only for a year. Tom Gosse (MasterControl)